Side Street Projects is a visual arts collaborative that teaches artists how to get things done. Recently, the organization transformed two vintage trailers into a sustainable (and mobile) office headquarters.
For the next several months, we will be field-testing our mobile headquarters on a vacant lot behind Church's Fried Chicken that's slated for development later this year. Until the developers break ground, we will occupy this space and will provide programs and services for kids, artists, and members of the community. Our goal is to transform this unused space into something positive for the community that blurs the line between public art and public service. When our time's up at 730 North Fair Oaks, we'll tow the whole organization to another temporary space in the community, set up camp, and start the process all over again. Being on-the-road and off-the-grid gives us the unique capacity to plug into a variety of transitional and unused spaces throughout the City, both public and private, ironically achieving a sort of stability through mobility.