[vimeo][/vimeo]As you can see from this video (after the jump), some 21,000 women gathered today in Kolakkudipatti village, India, to commemorate World Water Day. They're celebrating improvements in sanitation that have taken place in their villages, rallying to ensure that those improvements continue, and calling attention to the importance of water, sanitation, and hygiene.Today will see other events in Washington, D.C., and around the world. Water.org has also partnered with the ONE Campaign to launch One Week for Water, a week-long celebration of the 200 million people who have gained access to clean water over the last decade.The subject is near and dear to us-see our Water issue and last year's coverage-and if it's not already, World Water Day should definitely be on your radar. Some background: Nearly a billion people lack access to clean water, roughly 2.5 billion lack access to toilets, and water-related illnesses kill millions of people (especially children) every year.Can you imagine life without access to clean water?
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