Working and parenting are two of the toughest tasks; combine them and you get the perfect recipe for chaos. The viral "BBC Dad" is a prime example of it. Seven years ago, Professor Robert Kelly was giving an important interview on the political crisis in Korea on the BBC when he had an unexpected visitor. As the anchor asked the professor a question, his 4-year-old daughter Marion barged into the room and gradually approached him. The presenter was trying to control his laughter as the professor tried to ignore his daughter and move her away. The child, however, continues to play and sits down close to her dad during the interview. Professor Kelly smiled and tried to brush off the interruption but only to watch his son James also barge into the room.
His wife, Kim Jung-A, rushed into the room before hastily grabbing both the children and dragging them out. Meanwhile, the professor repeated, "Pardon me, my apologies," as he smiled and answered the interviewer's questions. All of this conspired at the family's apartment in Busan, South Korea, in 2017, and it went viral in no time. Recently, Robert Kelly took to X to celebrate the seventh anniversary of the incident and reshared the blooper along with recent family pictures.
The professor captioned the post, "BBC Dad content. Today is the 7th anniversary of the BBC Dad blooper. So here it is again, with some recent family pictures in the thread below." The pictures consisted of his daughter's recent birthday photos cutting the cake with full concentration, a few more photos of the family celebrating together, and one of the father and son hiking. There were also other pictures of the family celebrating Christmas 2023. People remembered how fun the blooper was and how much it made them laugh back in 2017. Many also admitted that they still revisit the blooper for a good chuckle.
An X user @innoAghad wrote, "This was one of the funniest interviews I've ever seen. I laughed so hard every time I watched it. Congrats to your wife. She was the real hero of the day. She came in like a superhero! Good on you for staying calm and your kids for making it fun." Another user @NotAWhiner commented, "I remember watching this, and my husband and I laughed until we cried! Lockdowns had all of us working from home, where our worlds collided - everyone who has ever been on a Zoom call can relate!" Indeed one can say that "BBC Dad" was a prequel to some people's pandemic lives where pets and children just walk in giving everyone on the call a much-needed breather. Another comment by @noivaswright echoed the sentiment, "It’s crazy to me that this was 7 years ago. Now everyone who was a parent with a toddler during the pandemic truly understands what it was like for y’all! Your family is still so beautiful! Wishing y’all well, from Texas!" Who knew wanting to hang out with your dad could make your family famous?
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