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Brother searched football field to find a button for little sister. So she got it sewed on her wedding dress

Her brother also told her that he wouldn't have been mad at her even if the lost button wasn't found.

Brother searched football field to find a button for little sister. So she got it sewed on her wedding dress
Stock image. Photo credits: Pixabay

An older sibling not only provides a sense of security to a child but also plays the role of a mentor and confidant as the kid grows up. A 28-year-old woman named Bry recounted an instance from her school’s first-grade year when she realized how much her big brother loved her. Years later, she got a memento of his brotherly love sewn into her wedding dress as a button. Recently, a Redditor u/anontarg shared the screenshot of her heartwarming story in the r/MadeMeSmile group, that “made people cry.”

Representative Image Source: Getty Images | DLeonis
Representative Image Source: Getty Images | DLeonis

In the original post in a Tumblr (@lifeofbrybooks) thread that asked people to describe “a soft memory,” Bry mentioned that her brother is 10 years older than her. “As the youngest of six kids, I lived in hand-me-downs,” she said, recalling how her brother regularly took her shopping for school clothes. When she was in first grade, her brother bought her a little navy blue, polka dot dress with a Peter Pan collar and red alphabet buttons. But on picture day at school, she lost one of these buttons in the school playground.

“I had a total meltdown because my brother spent his own money to make sure I had this new dress and I ruined it. I was a mess, totally inconsolable,” she described of that time. Coincidentally, Bry’s teacher was also the mother of his brother’s best friend and narrated the entire incident to her son, who told Bry’s brother about it.

Representative Image Source: Getty Images | stacey_newman
Representative Image Source: Getty Images | stacey_newman

Bry’s brother together with the teacher’s son and the entire football team combed the playground after their daily practice and ended up finding Bry’s lost button. Later on, her brother sewed the button back on her dress, while telling her that he wouldn’t have been mad with her for losing it. “It was just a button and a dress,” Bry wrote in the post, “But I did have one of those little red alphabet buttons sewn into my wedding dress.”

On Reddit, the wholesome brother-sister story received 88,000 upvotes and is making hundreds, if not thousands, of people cry happy tears. People are sharing personal stories about how big brothers are like the epitome of power, strength, love, magic, and wonder for younger sisters. u/lpalatroni, whose big brother is 15 years older, said, “When I was 18 I got my appendix removed. I woke up from anesthesia with my big bro, sitting near my bed. I asked if he could hold my hand, he did and then I fell asleep again. I woke up hours later, the sun had gone but my brother was still there, holding my hand.” “What a sweet brother he is. It's so touching that something so small like a button meant so much to both of them,” commented u/jsanders96858.

Image Source: Reddit | u/maybenotarobot429
Image Source: Reddit | u/maybenotarobot429

It isn’t just the big brothers who love their sisters so much, sometimes, it’s also the little brother as u/crabjail revealed in a comment. They wrote, “I remember I had a really rough day at school. My little brother was hungry, so I was going to make him a box of mac and cheese. I dropped the box and some of the noodles got on the floor. I started crying because it felt like I couldn't do anything right. Little brother came over and started helping me clean up, saying ‘It's okay! Most of them are still in the box!’ It was such a sweet thing for me.”

Image Source: Reddit | u/arianalita
Image Source: Reddit | u/arianalita

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