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25 of the funniest signs from the global Climate Strike

25 of the funniest signs from the global Climate Strike
via Twitter / Vice and Twitter / Nathalie Gordo

Millions of people in over 150 countries across the globe marched for lawmakers and corporations to take action to help stop climate change on Friday, September 20.

The Climate Strikes were organized by children around the world as an extension of the of the "Fridays for Future" campaign. Students have been walking out of classrooms on Fridays to speak out about political inaction surrounding the climate crisis.

"We need to act right now to stop burning fossil fuels and ensure a rapid energy revolution with equity, reparations and climate justice at its heart," organizers say.

Here's what it looked like in major cities across the globe.

New York City



New Delhi



RELATED: Breaking down the conspiracy theory mindset at the heart of climate change denial

The protests have given people a venue to express how they feel about the global crisis, and most of the blame was directed at the politicians and companies that got us into this mess in the first place.

The Climate Strike inspired countless people to vent their rage through funny, attengtion-grabbing signs.

Here are 25 of the funniest:

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