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Dad sneakily makes his son confess he likes dad more than his mom and it's hilarious

As Geter's son has a singular response to most of his questions, he sneakily makes him confess something that has everyone rolling with laughter.

Dad sneakily makes his son confess he likes dad more than his mom and it's hilarious
Cover Image Source: Instagram

“Who do you love more; mom or dad?” is perhaps the biggest trick question kids get asked from the time they utter their first word. Although most kids give a vague answer or say that they love both parents, some accept that they love one parent more than the other. Sometimes, it could be heartbreaking for a parent, but in most cases, the look of complete confusion on a child’s face is nothing short of funny. In a video posted by @charlie_and_aj on Instagram, AJ, who probably speaks only a few words, was asked a similar question. His response was super innocent and extremely adorable. We just hope that his dad, Austin Miles Geter, actually keeps his secret so the little boy doesn’t get into trouble.

Image Source: Instagram | @austingeterImage Source: Instagram | @austingeter

In a cute dad-son conversation, Geter calls for his son AJ, to which he responds, “Yea.” He then asks his son if he loves his dad, to which the kid again replies yes with a hint of excitement. Next, his dad asks him if he loves his mom as well. The baby goes silent for a while and looks at the camera with bewildered eyes, as if he’s giving a lot of thought to what he’s going to say next. As the child doesn’t for a good few seconds, the dad repeats his question, to which the child responds, “Yea.” But this time the yes was smaller and a little bit more unsure.

Image Source: Instagram | @austingeterImage Source: Instagram | @austingeter


Geter then sneaks in the question, hoping the child will give his usual answer. "Is it safe to say that you maybe just love your dad dad a little more than your mom?" the dad asks. The child again seems to be in deep thought until his dad nudges him a little to confirm it. As expected, the child again utters a “yea,” which brings a proud and happy smile to his dad’s face. The dad chuckles a little and promises that he won’t tell mom that the child said it. He also expressed that he loves his son a lot too. He then goes ahead and asks if he would tell his mom that he loves her. The child keeps up with his usual response, leaving his dad in splits. Now we can’t say if the baby actually loves his dad more or is just used to giving an affirmative response to everything.


Image Source: Instagram | @zolilo1990Image Source: Instagram | @zolilo1990

Image Source: InstagramImage Source: Instagram | @sonali_sharon

@yunisworld commented that they would like the mom’s version with Geter’s daughter Charlie. They wrote, “We need Ariella's version of this with Charlie! Since you want to go to the jugular.” @viviangreen_ wrote, “We're in the ‘Yeah’ phase now. The response to everything will be ‘yeah.’” @mskerribaby22 expressed their love for the creator’s content and his kids and wrote, “I can't possibly love AJ and Charlie more than I already do. Hey, Auntie's babies! Happy Saturday.” Other people also commented on the child’s confused expressions and his cute, repeated response. They also loved the interaction between the father and the son and how the baby was gradually becoming more and more responsive. It was really cute, but Mom might not be very happy if she saw it!