Do aliens exist? This question has captivated people for years, yet strong evidence remains elusive. Adding to the debate, a recent Harvard University study suggests a category of extraterrestrial beings called "Cryptoterrestrials" might be living among us, possibly underground or on the Moon. The study even speculates that UFOs could be alien spacecraft visiting these hidden Earth inhabitants..
Representative Image Source: Pexels I Photo by Cottonbro Studio
The study has been authored by Tim Lomas and Brendan Case of Harvard University, alongside Michael Paul Masters of Montana University. Titled "The Cryptoterrestrial Hypothesis: A Case for Scientific Openness to a Concealed Earthly Explanation for Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena," it aims to provide an alternative and unconventional explanation for Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) sightings. It suggests that these phenomena might involve non-human intelligence (NHI) already present on Earth, and stealthily coexist with us.
Representative Image Source: Pexels I Photo by Rulo Mora
The researchers have also pointed out that UAP can move underwater in ways that defy explanation, citing data and firsthand accounts of "Unidentified Submersible Objects" (USOs) acting beyond human technological capabilities. The study noted the potential for NHI bases on the Moon and has provided reference to photographic evidence and claims by NASA whistleblowers about concealed lunar bases.
One such example mentioned in the research sheds light on NASA whistleblowers Karl Wolfe and Ken Johnston, who have allegedly claimed that “even more conclusive photographic evidence of potential bases exists, but that NASA has actively sought to deny, suppress, and conceal such information.”
Image Source: Dr. Ken Johnston, former Manager of the Data and Photo Control Division at NASA's Lunar Receiving Laboratory, speaks during a news conference on October 30, 2007, in Washington, DC. Johnston. (Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images)
The research concluded the study by mentioning the possible existence of four categories of Cryptoterrestrials. They include "Human Cryptoterrestrials" - A technologically advanced ancient human civilization that largely perished due to natural calamity but part of it still exists. The next one is "Hominid or theropod cryptoterrestrials" - a group of advanced creatures consisting of some terrestrial animals that evolved to live in stealth.
The third category talked about "Former extraterrestrial or extratempestrial cryptoterrestrials," referring to creatures who “arrived” on Earth from elsewhere in the cosmos or the human future and have since lived stealthy lives. The fourth category is "Magical Cryptoterrestrials" - earthbound angels who could be categorized as fairies, elves, and nymphs.
However, this research has not yet been peer-reviewed or published, hence, the credibility remains a question. "We are not arguing that UAPs do have a cryptoterrestrial explanation, but simply that they could, and the judicious approach is to consider all valid theories until the evidence decisively demonstrates they should be rejected," the authors mentioned in the study. They added, "We, therefore, suggest scientists should keep an open mind and investigate the CTH as a genuinely viable theory."
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Photo by Stephen Leonardi
The study has freaked people out, drawing mixed reactions. @DailyLoud, a popular X account, tweeted, "Aliens might be living among us disguised as humans or in a base inside the moon, according to a new Harvard study." With 66k likes and 9.1k bookmarks, the tweet is going viral. People have taken to the comments section to express their feelings.
Some users had a hilarious take on the subject. According to them, the aliens did this research and wrote the report. @Aku_700 commented, "What if an actual alien wrote the report?" Another user, @whiskeytailgate, commented, "If they were among us I’m guessing they would be at Harvard doing studies."
The study about the possible presence of Aliens on Earth even went viral on TikTok. @cbsmornings took to the platform to post a video regarding the Harvard study. The video has gained over 51k views in a matter of days. Some users hilariously put forward their doubts regarding the anchors acting suspiciously, joking that they might be the aliens. @Bryan commented, "Sus, Bro is blinking a little too much." Another user, @nikkiatnight2023, commented, "I can't recall any time I've seen Gayle acting like this. She looks very uncomfortable with this convo."