In 1990, 93 out of 1000 children died before reaching their fifth birthday. To combat child mortality, the United Nations set a goal to cut that number to 31 out of 1000 by 2015. Low-tech and cost-effective measures like vaccinations, micronutrient supplementation and insecticide-treated bed nets can help reduce preventable child deaths. Yet globally, in 2010, 7.6 million children still died before turning five, 70% of them in their first year of life. Together we can make that number zero. Check out this infographic from UNICEF about how children around the world are faring, and what we can do to help.
Infographic: Let's Stop Global Child Mortality
In 2010, 7.6 million children died of preventable diseases. See what's the cause of child mortality and how we can help each child thrive.
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Good Partner
Column Five