It was a rough week for Ted Stevens. And most of Somalia. And a bunch of turkeys (and, by extension, Sarah Palin's PR people). However, things are looking a bit brighter for Hillary Clinton and Henry Waxman.Ben Jervey gave us some much needed perspective on how the EPA "dropped a legal bombshell on Big Coal." Cliff Kuang argued for a bailed-out Detroit. Anne Trubek offered her thoughts on the brilliance of Art Spiegelman. Michaelangelo Matos carved out a bright future for Solange. And Graham Roberts took us Up in Smoke with a cigarette-focused infographic.Have you heard? GOOD December is coming to Los Angeles. We can't wait to welcome members of our community to our meatspace office!We'll see you on Monday morning.(Photo by Damon Winter from this NYTimes piece.)
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