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Transparency: The Size of the Rally to Restore Fear and/or Sanity

We explore the discrepancies in reporting on major marches and rallies and the feasibility of the numbers attendance claimed, from Beck to Stewart.

From protests to rallies, marching on Washington has historically been an indicator of the nation's political attitudes. However, the end of official crowd counting in 1995 has made finding accurate attendance figures for these marches increasingly difficult, because numbers vary greatly among different sources. The blog Death by Media performed an in-depth analysis of aerial photos of this September's Tea Party Rally. Using those numbers, we can see the difference between the probable attendance (using varied densities by area) and the maximum possible attendance (one person per five square feet) of marches on the Mall. Here, we explore the discrepancies in reporting on major Capitol marches and rallies and the feasibility of the numbers claimed.

A collaboration between GOOD and Column Five Media.