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Man asked to re-enact the scene of him winning the lottery for TV ends up hitting a bigger jackpot

Morgan almost collapsed against the shelf after the unexpected win and took hours to collect his thoughts.

Man asked to re-enact the scene of him winning the lottery for TV ends up hitting a bigger jackpot
Cover Image Source: Man wins lottery Getty Images | Photo by Dejan Marjanovic

It isn't uncommon for movies depicting rags to riches stories, including those of people who unexpectedly unlocked a fortune. Bill Morgan's tale of coming back from the brink of death and winning the lottery was unusual in itself, but things took a miraculous turn for him when he hit the jackpot again, News Australia reported. From tragedy to serendipity, Bill’s life is an inspiring anecdote for when someone finds themselves in dark times.

Representative Image Source: Getty Images | Ryan J Lane
Representative Image Source: Getty Images | Ryan J Lane

It all began when Bill developed a heart condition after getting hit by a car and started taking medication for his condition, only to be hit by an allergic reaction. The series of misfortunes didn't end there, as he suffered a heart attack but then 14 minutes later, his heart started pumping blood again. Even after getting back his pulse, Morgan didn't regain consciousness and slipped into a coma.

Representative Image Source: Getty Images | Kupicoo
Representative Image Source: Getty Images | Kupicoo

“When I was lying in hospital, I thought, gee, I mightn’t survive this. I’m only 37 and, at 37, I’ve got so much to look forward to,” he told reporters at the time. Finally, a ray of hope appeared for Morgan a year later, as his health improved with time. With a new lease of life, Morgan took up a job, married the woman he loved, and won a $30,000 Toyota Corolla in the lottery. But this wasn’t the end of his good fortune that came after he had overcome the worst time in his life.

After the tale of his jackpot win spread throughout the community, media outlets reached out to him for interviews. Among these outlets was a local TV station, and the crew there asked him to re-enact the scene and show how he won the lottery. Just for this scene, he bought another lottery ticket and scratched it, only to find out that he had hit another jackpot which was a lot bigger than his previous win. “I just won $250,000. I’m not joking,” he said in disbelief after scratching the ticket. "I think I’ll have another heart attack,” the man exclaimed. Initially, the staff didn’t believe it. “I’m not joking’ and all of a sudden it hit me like a ton of bricks. I thought I was going to have another heart attack there and then,” he told The Daily Mail.

He was so stunned that he almost collapsed against a shelf. When he recovered, the entire TV staff raised a toast to his win by popping bottles of champagne. But Bill’s mind was somewhere else. He instantly dialed his finance’s number and told her the news. Later on, it was reported that the couple spent part of the jackpot to buy a house, and Morgan continued buying scratchcards.

Bill’s heart condition followed by arthritis prevented him from working in his later years. But he said, he still considers himself the luckiest man in the world. “Every day I get up and put on my shoes, and even if I’m not real well I have a shuffle down the road and smell the roses, look at the sun and think about how lucky I am.”

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