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Man gets emotional after the baby sister he raised all alone calls him 'dad' for the first time

After realizing that the girl's father and their mother were not in a position to parent his baby sister, he took on the responsibility of raising her.

Man gets emotional after the baby sister he raised all alone calls him 'dad' for the first time
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Kindel Media; Reddit | u/Beneficial_Pizza7137

If siblings have a significant age gap between them, the older sibling often assumes the role of a second parent to their younger sibling. In the case of u/Beneficial_Pizza7137, he’s the only parent of his 11-year-old sister, who is 20 years younger than him. The 31-year-old shared an emotional moment he had with his sister on a Reddit thread. The girl’s father and their mother were not in a position to raise his sister when she was born, leaving him to take the mantle of raising her. He took on the responsibility before eventually legally adopting her. Given that he had raised her, he felt more like a parent to her as opposed to a sibling. He watched her grow up and witnessed every single milestone in her life. He did everything a loving father would do for their child.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Josh WillinkRepresentative Image Source: Pexels | Josh Willink

The sister grew up well aware that he was, in fact, her older brother and was looking after her because her parents couldn't do the same for her. The man further added that he and his sister were both sick. His sister has chronic asthma, which gets worse if she’s sick. One day the brother woke up at 3 am to take care of his sister’s coughing fit. Once she had calmed down and settled to sleep, he told her that he was leaving the room so she could sleep. As he left the room, his sister mumbled, “Thank you, Dad.” The brother felt overwhelmed with emotion. “It was quiet, but I heard it. I had a good happy/emotional cry and it’s getting me teary-eyed just thinking about it,” he wrote. Taking on the caregiving role as a young person is no mean feat but to have her acknowledge his efforts as a 'parent' moved him. People on the platform agreed that the brother had earned this title through his efforts over the years. Many lauded him for assuming such an important role in his sister’s life.

Representative Image Source: Cottonbro StudioRepresentative Image Source: Cottonbro Studio

u/Princessmore commented, "God, it always hits me in the feels when people earn their parenthood title. It just makes the world smile.” u/letthetreeburn wrote, “That is a title forged in fear and sleepless nights. It was bestowed by the heart of an innocent and must be worn with pride. You are a dad, stand tall and show it off. Congratulations.” u/Ok-Leave7438 added, “If you have been raising her since she was a baby, you essentially have been her dad her whole life and reading that she has called you that, made me cry. I feel you're a wonderful person for taking on that responsibility at such a young age, wishing you both a wonderful and happy life together.” 

Image Source: Reddit | u.jblack6527Image Source: Reddit | u/jblack6527

Image Source: Reddit | u.Dreaming24-7Image Source: Reddit | u/Dreaming24-7

People also shared similar experiences on the thread, making it even more wholesome. u/SouthernRamblesBlog  wrote, “To her, you are her dad. My dad died when I was a little girl (7). He was in a motorcycle accident in December and was buried very close to Christmas. I remember a lot about my dad, but after he died, my mom's brothers stood in the place of my dad whenever I or my mom needed them. I appreciate everything they’ve done for us. I even acknowledge them on Father's Day because they did help raise me. You matter to her more than you'll ever probably know." Raising a child with love and being acknowledged is truly the best gift!