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Man heartbroken after wallet containing late Dad's message was stolen. He then received an unmarked envelope

Jonathan wasn't as sad about the wallet as he was about his late father's message for him.

Man heartbroken after wallet containing late Dad's message was stolen. He then received an unmarked envelope
Representative Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Fizkes

Jonathan (@pourfairelevide) suffered a devastating loss nearly 15 years ago when his father passed away. In his last moments, his dad dictated a note to his nurse Omar. After his death, the best gift he left for his son was a piece of paper on which this touching note was printed out, with his house address on the backside. Since then, Jonathan walked around carrying this paper folded and tucked in his wallet. Then, one day, someone stole it. Along with the wallet, the note was gone. Jonathan was heartbroken. A few years later, he received an unmarked envelope at his doorstep. Upon opening it, he gasped. It was his wallet. The thief had taken all the money, the note was still there; crisp paper folded in a square, exuding the warmth of a memory. In October 2023, Jonathan took to X to share the entire story as well as the picture of this paper.

Representative Image Source: Getty Images | Monkeybusinessimages
Representative Image Source: Getty Images | Monkeybusinessimages

Wrinkled with creases, the paper tells the story of all the memories Jonathan spent with his dad, and how much they loved each other. “I wanted to start by letting you know how much I love you and how proud I am of all your accomplishments,” his dad wrote, addressing Jonathan, who is currently a PhD student. “Your accomplishments exceeded my expectations, and regardless of what obstacles arise in your life, I want you to keep focused on accomplishing your goals and making us proud.”

The poignant letter continued with his dad inspiring Jonathan to stay focused and be courageous. “I know it must be very difficult for you to stay focused while you’re seeing me struggle through my illness. I am very proud of your strength and courage in helping me deal with my illness and being able to stay focused on your studies at the same time. Even if I am not here at some point, I want you to continue to be strong and courageous and to help your mother get through this. Even if I am not here, I will always be in your heart and watching over you.”

The old man continued by telling his son that in the future, he should find a woman and get married, which, as it seems, he has done. In a post on his website, Jonathan recently announced that he just got married to a woman named Jane who writes poetry. “In the future, I’d like to see you meet a woman who is your equal, who is as intelligent, loving, kind, and brave as you are. Then I’d like to see you pass on your virtues to your children, and so on. Until we are reunited in heaven, in the future, I wish you and your mother all of the happiness that life has to offer. Be good to yourself, to your mother, and to your future family. I will always love you forever.”


The tear-jerking letter caught the attention of 1.7 million people who liked the tweet, and hundreds of them left touching comments. “The most touching thing,” commented @harrietgriffey. @davverodomini told Jonathan the letter is a “touchstone for the entire remainder of your journey.” @lj198767 gave him a suggestion, “Make a copy to carry and put the original in a safety deposit box.”


In a comment, @charitymain306 reflected how even the most evil of people have a tiny spark of humanity in their hearts. “As much as it sucks they stole your wallet, both the letter in its raw, inspiring, loving & supportive tone & the act of thieves with humanity mailing it back gives me a little glimpse of hope there is still goodness in this world,” Another person, @karebearscare shared a similar episode, “I carry around in my wallet this $2 bill that my dad gave me right before he got sick for 2 years and passed. And, funnily enough, today is the 9th anniversary of my father’s death, so your tweet just broke me - in a good way. Kismet-like!”


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