Children often say the darndest things, often leaving the grown-ups embarrassed in public. In a hilarious incident, a mom was left scrambling after her daughter embarrassed her in front of Santa. Casie Terry Reber, who goes by @casiereeebs on TikTok, took matters into her own hands but she made sure to share the awkward incident with the TikTok community through her video.
Reber, who is a mother to a 4-year-old daughter, had taken her child to visit Santa this year but little did she expect her little one to make an oddly specific request to the man in the red suit. “So, my daughter sits on Santa's lap and says, ‘Hey Santa, can you please bring us some food? We don't have any food in the house,’” Reber rants out in her viral video. She does an impression of herself thanking others for presumably offering her family food and resources.
Image Source: TikTok | @casiereeebs
Her daughter continues to complain to Santa that sometimes she and her siblings find some food but their mom tells them that they can only have them if they behave and act like good kids. “If you bring us food, I promise we'll be so good, and we won't let the dog get it and ruin it,” she says while impersonating her daughter. Later on, Reber couldn't help but ask her daughter why she was begging Santa to give her food for Christmas.
Image Source: TikTok | @casiereeebs
“Baby, I know we went to Chick-fil-A tonight, but that was because mom didn't want to cook not because we don't have any food, honey,” she had explained to her daughter who still believed that they didn't have any food back home. “After a little while of this back and forth, she says she means food for the play kitchen. She means play kitchen food,” Reber concludes. Well, this mom isn't the only one who had to deal with some sort of miscommunication with strangers because of what their kids blurted out in public. Several other parents on TikTok gathered in the comment section to share their respective experiences of getting embarrassed due to what their child innocently told others.
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Andrea Piacquadio
@azsli2 wrote: "My daughter told Santa she wants a blanket 'cause she doesn't have any. CLEAN! She didn't have a clean one cause she wet the bed and they were in the dryer!" @corbinceleste shared: "My son told a teacher I locked him out because I asked him to sleep in his bed one night and not mine. They did call CPS." @kristens.cookies remarked: "My son told his daycare teacher that our house burned down. It indeed did not. The fire alarms went off after making bacon one morning."
Image Source: TikTok | @leona.528
@allanarogge quipped: "We were saving for a down payment on our new house, so we were being very tight with money, my seven-year-old, came home from school and told us that her friend's parents could give us money. I said, why would you say that? And she said because I told her we’re broke!" @whiterz27 commented: "My daughter told her dance teacher I always make her sleep in the bathtub. It was for a tornado warning in the middle of the night."
Image Source: TikTok | @morganppool
@usernameshit recalled: "In pre-k, I told my teacher I didn’t have a bed and slept on the floor. We had just moved and my furniture wasn’t set up. My mother was so embarrassed." @annie_beyond_the_norm shared a similar situation as Reber and wrote: "I went to pick up my son from daycare and the teacher pulled me aside to ask if we're okay cause my son said he had nothing to eat at home." We sincerely hope other parents don't have to go through these hilarious hassles.