With each new generation, mindsets and beliefs change, and therefore, the parenting styles too. Those who grew up in times of economic struggle, usually teach their children to be hardworking, whereas those who grow up in times of opportunity teach otherwise. Boomers, who grew up watching the first Moon landing, hooting in a Beatles concert, and collecting stamps, are usually criticized by psychologists for being too detached or too intrusive in their children’s lives. However, a teacher, Teresa Kaye Newman (@teresakayenewman), posted a TikTok video in February 2023, debunking this myth. She revealed 11 things that boomer parents did just as perfect as it could be.
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Tima Miroshni Chenko
“11 things I agree with boomer parents on raising children, as a #teacher and soon to be mom,” Teresa wrote in the video caption. She added that only those who have experienced parenting first-hand can know what it feels like to be a parent. Unless one is not a parent, one shouldn’t accuse others of doing things right or wrong. As someone who has over 13 years of experience in dealing with “hundreds and hundreds of other people’s kids,” and seeing the effects of these points not being implemented, she made up her mind to share these 11 things. Here’s the list:
1. Not giving the child iPads, ever
"All I’m going to say is my kid has a whole world to explore and none of that has to do with being stuck in front of a tablet,” said Teresa.
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Helena Lopes
2. Not giving the child smartphones until high school
Using smartphones too early can steal many things from a child, such as imagination, and spontaneity, and they may even lose touch with nature. Noticing this scenario, Teresa said, "Kids that are younger than that age do not know internet safety to a point where I feel comfortable letting them have free reign of the internet."
Representative Image Source: Pexels I Askar Abayev
3. Teaching them the value of their education
Baby boomers, who are known as loyal workers, were well aware of the true importance of education. And this is what they instilled in their children, at least most of them. Agreeing with this parenting habit, Teresa said, "There are far too many parents that are teaching their kids that education is only linked to financial stability. What I’m going to teach them is this has nothing to do with how much money you’re going to make or how successful you’ll be professionally. But you will still value it, nonetheless."
4. Respect their teachers and treat them well
"Everyone who has gone through a professional degree program and has put in the time and is there, giving you the quality education, deserves some type of attention and deserves to be treated well," said Teresa, who herself is a teacher.
5. Be kind to elderly folks
Courtesy and etiquette are those things that most boomers hardwired into the brains of their kids, so they would grow up to be respectful. "If they’re on public transportation and they’re sitting down and an old lady is standing next to them and there are no other seats available, my child will know to stand up and give that lady his seat," reflected Teresa.
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Andrea Piacquadio
6. Using "Yes Ma'am/Yes Sir"
"It does not matter your age or status in society, as long as they are respecting their pronouns, that’s how we’re gonna be talking to other people," asserted Teresa.
7. Terms of greeting and gratitude
Vintage people revered the idea of respecting other people irrespective of their age, social status, and profession. Sadly, Teresa said, this is not the case with present generations. "Simple greetings and simple terms of gratitude such as 'please', 'thank you' and 'you're welcome' are just not being taught like they used to. I think it’s really sad."
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Gratisography
8. Consequences for poor behaviour
Millennials and Gen Xers might call out boomer parents for being too strict with them in their childhoods, but Teresa points out that this was actually good for the children. "If they’re neglecting their schoolwork and not doing what they’re supposed to do, they get their technology taken away. Simple things like this are pretty common sense and I’m not sure why they’re not being done anymore."
9. Respect adult conversations and adult spaces
Boomers liked to draw a boundary line between what is supposed to be an adult interaction and what is not. They did the best thing by teaching their kids to do the same. "They don’t get to interrupt two adults speaking to each other. If they don't learn how to do that as a child they're going to be the most obnoxious adult ever."
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Jack Sparrow
10. Cleaning your own mess and participating in chores
And, boomers taught the most important skill – responsibility. "My child is going to put as much work in the house as we are, regardless of whether he’s paying rent out of his own pocket or not. That’s because when my son becomes an adult, I want him to be a partner or a spouse or a roommate that someone is proud to have around."
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Gabby K
11. Having fixed bedtime habits
Coming home late, going to raunchy party nights, and spending late nights outdoors; things like these were not in fashion when there were boomers onboard the parenting train. "As long as he is living under my roof as a minor; he’s gonna have some sort of bedtime," said Teresa agreeing with what boomers believed.
@teresakayenewman 11 Things I agree with boomer parents on raising children, as a #teacher and soon to be mom.
You can follow Teresa Kaye Newman (@teresakayenewman) on TikTok for more parenting videos.
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