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Mom told her kid 'fortnite' shuts down at 9 pm. He turned to Reddit for the truth and they backed his mom

Some people even came up with imaginary scenarios to warn the kid against disobeying his mom.

Mom told her kid 'fortnite' shuts down at  9 pm. He turned to Reddit for the truth and they backed his mom
Representative photo of mother trying to get son's attention as he plays mobile games (Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Draganab)

With more than 650 million players worldwide, “Fortnite” has taken the world by storm as kids are immersed in exploring islands and fighting virtual battles. But, this obsession among kids has raised concern among parents and teachers alike. To tackle the situation, one mother invented a creative way to tell her child that he can’t play Fortnite after bedtime. In a hilarious post in the r/fortnitebr group, Redditor u/farting_dog33 pretended to be a teen who wanted to play the game past 9 pm but his mom told him that the game would stop working then. So he took to Reddit to ask people “How and why does it turn off after then?”

Close up image of gamer tenager boy playing pc games with headset (Representative Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Carol Yepes)
Close-up image of gamer teenager playing pc games with headset (Representative Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Carol Yepes)

The post got 11,000 upvotes and hundreds of comments, with the Redditors seemingly supporting his mom. While some people gave a scientific explanation for what his mom had told him, others added creepy warnings about what could happen if the kid failed to follow his mom's instructions. Others tried to explain to him how going to bed was a better thing to do that late rather than playing Fortnite. “Yep, it turns off so everyone can get a good night’s sleep. I think they just unplug it somewhere,” said u/tommy7154. u/available_day_7171 commented, “It's to make sure everyone gets enough sleep before school or work.” u/-waffle-eater- explained, “Yep, servers shut down for small maintenance, since they need to fix any small bugs and make sure that everything works well. You can still log in, but you'll only be able to see the lobby.”

u/getstoopid-at (Image Source: Reddit)
u/getstoopid-at (Image Source: Reddit)

u/giamborghini warned the Fortnite player saying, “If you try to log in after 9 pm when the game is down you may lose your skins because of server errors.” u/mrspicyohhhh said, “Bro the game just magically turns itself off after 9 pm!” u/baddonny added a science-fiction touch to the entire scenario, and wrote in a comment, “It’s a special internet thing called the 'Coriolis effect' and when the earth rotates past 9 pm all the tubes for the internet start to freeze.”

Although this is an entirely fictional scenario and the writer of this post is actually a man from New Zealand, the argument is not uncommon among parents and kids. Writing in the New York Times, a father described how his 13-year-old kid got addicted to gaming. “My 13-year-old kid got a PlayStation 4 and started staying up late playing Fortnite online with friends. Then he got a gaming PC, became a ranked Valorant player, and seemingly overnight my wife and I were regularly woken up by his yelling over FaceTime and Discord or his YouTube streams.”

Teenage boy in headphones ignores woman and plays video games on phone (Representative Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Liubomyr Vorona)
Teenage boy with headphones on ignores mother and plays video games on phone (Representative Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Liubomyr Vorona)

They added that, eventually, the boy’s schoolwork started to get affected and they limited his late-night gaming time to weekends, vacations, and holidays. He wrote that using Wi-Fi parental controls or setting up a firewall can stop a child from staying up gaming overnight. Apart from that, parents can stop the internet services on children’s phones using the carrier’s family plan administration page. But what’s even more important is to re-enforce the benefits of good sleep and the harms of staying till late in the kids’ minds.

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