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CNN Promotes Its #FactsFirst Campaign By Taking A Shot At Trump On Twitter

Polls show the country trusts CNN over Trump.

Like Marty McFly exiting his DeLorean into alternate 1985 in “Back to the Future Part II,” waking up in Trump’s America every morning can feel like entering a bizarro version of the country. One of the most troubling aspects of this sinister new world is Trump’s childish Twitter rants against the news media, namely CNN.

Remember this tweet? It actually happened.

Trump’s seemingly daily rants against the news network led CNN to create a new advertising campaign, #FactsFirst, that punches back at Trump’s claim it disseminates fake news. “This is an apple,” the ad voiceover begins over a photo of an apple. “Some people might try to tell you it’s a banana. They might scream, ‘Banana, banana, banana,’ over and over and over again. They might put ‘banana’ in all caps. You might even start to believe that this is a banana. But it’s not. This is an apple.”

On Nov. 25, Trump was back at it again, praising White House mouthpiece Fox News, calling it “MUCH more important in the United States than CNN” and saying CNN doesn’t “represent” the country well.

So CNN punched back at the president saying, it’s “not CNN’s job to represent the U.S. to the world. That’s yours.” The tweet was punctuated by an apple emoji, recalling its #FactsFirst campaign.

Given recent poll numbers on his own credibility, Trump might want to rethink his war against the news media. A poll conducted in October found that 52% of Americans trust CNN over Trump, whereas 37% find Trump to be more trustworthy. A CNN poll conducted in early in November said that only 34% believe the president is honest and trustworthy while 64% say he’s not.