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This Is What Millennial Women Say Is Holding Them Back From Their Dream Jobs

There’s a roadblock to their entrepreneurial drive

Last year millennials finally surpassed baby boomers as the largest generation in America. Now, as Generation Y ages, they’​ve become more than one-third of the U.S. workforce. Soon they’ll be the bosses instead of the worker bees.

However, when that day does occur, a new report says that millennial women don’t merely want leadership roles in a company, they want their own companies altogether. A survey of 400 young women by career advice company Create & Cultivate and market research firm Buzz MG shows millennial women’s entrepreneurial streak.

They found that 83 percent of women want to own their own businesses and that 55 percent are already working a side hustle outside of their full-time job. However, a majority of those women say they’​ll need a cash influx of $10,000 to $25,000 in order to start their business, and 75 percent don’​t feel as if they have access to that type of capital. Luckily for these young entrepreneurs, business accelerators are on the rise across the country, meaning there’​s more organizations looking to help people get their start-up off the ground.

Check out the infographic below to see how these women feel about career, social media, and work-life balance.