There's an interesting article over at Fast Company talking about the future of for-profit education:
Today, for-profit colleges enroll 9% of all students, many of them in online programs. It's safe to assume they'll soon have many more. President Obama has called for America to have the world's highest percentage of college graduates by 2020, and for-profits are the only sector significantly expanding enrollment -- up 17% since the start of the recession in 2008. ... While private colleges have taken huge hits to their endowments, and public universities weather historic cutbacks, for-profits like Clifford's keep costs down with innovative use of technology, publish metrics like job placements, and are open to any high-school graduate. They target under-served markets like first-generation students and working adults with convenience and a customer-service ethic.What's your opinion? Will online-only schools ever achieve the level of success of their meat-space counterparts?Photo (CC) by Flickr user orangeacid.