For our fourth event of 2012, GOOD Ideas for Cities is headed to Cincinnati.
GOOD Ideas for Cities taps creative problem-solvers to tackle real urban challenges proposed by civic leaders and present the solutions at live events across the country. Thanks to our partnership with CEOs for Cities and a generous grant from ArtPlace, we're taking the program to six cities in 2012. If you're in Cincinnati, here's how you can be a part of it.
Last month, we issued a call for Cincinnati creatives and chose six teams to represent the city. Each team was issued a challenge proposed by local urban leaders and began working together on a solution. At the event, the creative teams will present their solutions, and the urban leaders will join them onstage for a brief Q&A. Afterwards, we'll have drinks and more conversation as we discuss how to make these ideas a reality.
Wednesday, May 16
Doors at 6:00 p.m.
Program begins at 7:00 p.m.
Contemporary Arts Center
44 East Sixth Street
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
Update: We have added a simulcast lounge in the lobby to accommodate more seating. This will be a great place for attendees who'd like to stick close to the bar and still watch the presentations! All seating is first-come, first-served, arrive early if you'd prefer to sit in the theater.
Hosted by The University of Cincinnati Niehoff Urban Studio and the Carol Ann and Ralph V. Haile, Jr./U.S. Bank Foundation
Special thanks to our partners Soapbox, AIGA Cincinnati and AIA Cincinnati
Supported by ArtPlace
Thanks to our generous beer sponsors at Christian Moerlein Brewing Co.
Do not call the venue about tickets, email alissa[at]goodinc[dot]com with any questions.
The Challenges
1. Cincinnati is known for its strong and diverse arts community with a plethora of offerings that include large museums and institutions, excellent arts schools, and alternative spaces and galleries. How can the local arts scene serve as a catalyst for the local creative economy in a way that will attract talent, fuel innovation and build a stronger workforce?
Contemporary Arts Center, Molly O'Toole
20-Somethings Doing Something: Michelle Stawicki, Lauren Mae Oswald, Angela Kowalski, Kelsey Downs, Mandy Smedley, Emily Wolf
2. Four transit agencies operate public transportation in the Cincinnati region, each with its own name and identity, spanning multiple counties and two states. How can we create a more user-focused transit experience around a bus rapid transit line that builds brand equity and consumer commitments with a unified, region-wide voice, creating rising public demand for a better regional system?
Metro, Sallie Hilvers; TANK, Gina Douthat; Agenda 360, Mary Stagaman and Adena Kass; Vision 2015, Bill Scheyer
Mission Possible: John Rizzo, Ben Patrick, Chris Simmons, Kelsey Hawke, Meghann Craig, Jon Cramer, Sarah Strassel, Missy Raterman, Carrie Farler, Ashley Plank, Kelly Horan
3. Studies have shown that parental involvement in a child’s academic aspirations is one of the most important elements in improving student outcomes and nurturing student success. Knowing that early education is especially critical to our students’ lifelong development, how can we design, implement, and evaluate a system of parental involvement within early education for Cincinnati families?
Strive Partnership, Greg Landsman; KnowledgeWorks, Jamie Berg
Cincinnatives: Dustin Blankenship, Julie Blum, Doug Hovekamp, Kara Koch
4. Walkability offers real benefits to our health, the environment, our communities, and our finances: Research shows increasing walkability can increase the value of residential and commercial real estate. How can we help our communities come together and make changes necessary to increase their local walkability?
Haile/U.S. Bank Foundation, Eric Avner; LISC, Kathy Schwab; Cincinnati Area Board of Realtors, Mark Quarry
Scout Camp: Luke Field, Tina Sevilla Stear, Michael Bergman, Nick Dewald, Lindsay Dewald, Lann Brumlik Field, Eric Stear, Will Yokel
5. Homeowners in the Greater Cincinnati area are spending far more than they should on electricity and gas because their homes lack proper insulation, storm windows and efficient heating and cooling systems. With the goals of saving money, reducing emissions and putting local residents to work, how do we get more Cincinnati households to perform energy efficiency upgrades on their home?
Green Umbrella, Brewster Rhoads; Greater Cincinnati Energy Alliance, Lilah Glick; and City of Cincinnati, Office of Environmental Quality,Steve Johns
Hyperquake: Kate Kovalcin, LeAnne Wagner, A.J. Mercer, Dan Barczak, Matt Cole, Molly Danks, Chris Wallen
6. Adults living in neighborhoods with no supermarkets have significantly higher obesity rates compared to adults living in neighborhoods with supermarkets. Currently the City of Cincinnati should have 34 supermarkets—we only have 24. How can we increase both availability of healthy foods and education about healthy eating in underserved neighborhoods?
Closing the Health Gap, Renee Harris; Greater Cincinnati Foundation, Ray Watson; Haile/U.S. Bank Foundation, Chris Bochenek,
Design Impact and Kaleidoscope: Ramsey Ford, Kate Hanisian, Demetrius Romanos, Giacomo Ciminello
Check out the videos from our Portland event and stay tuned for details about future GOOD Ideas for Cities announcement. If you'd like to talk about bringing the program to your city or school, email alissa[at]goodinc[dot]com or follow us at @IdeasforCities