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Project: Design Another Use for an Everyday Object

Show us a simple, everyday solution where design thinking and sustainable thinking brilliantly co-exist, and you'll win two tickets to Compostmodern!

A basic hack. A smart reuse. An elegant upcycle. There is perhaps nothing more inspiring than a simple, everyday design solution. Even more inspiring are the design solutions that find a need for a used, unloved, or previously forgotten object. Preferably, an object that would have otherwise found its way into the trash. For this project, we're especially interested in those smart, effective solutions where design thinking and sustainable thinking brilliantly co-exist. We're looking for you to design another use for an everyday object.

To do so, we're partnering with our friends at Compostmodern, the design and sustainability conference that's taking place this January 22 and 23 in San Francisco. In addition to a traditional day of standout speakers like Bruce Mau and Yves Behar, Compostmodern will host an "unconference" on the second day where speakers will moderate workshops with attendees that will work towards actionable change. The winner of this project will get two tickets to attend Compostmodern, where you'll have a chance to not only soak up inspiration from the brightest minds in design and sustainability, you'll be able to work with them on creating design solutions with real-world impact. What could be more sustainable than that?

Design another use for an everyday object, take a photo of it, and supply a brief caption (up to 100 words) explaining why your solution is brilliant example of sustainable design.

We're looking for real evidence of design thinking: Does this solution solve a real problem? Does it work? We're also smart adaptive reuse of an object: Does this bring new life to something that some people might be more likely to toss in the trash? We want to see a persuasive argument for how your solution can be applied on a larger scale—could this idea have some real impact? Is it one simple thing that every person can do? While we'd love to see smart solutions that you already use every day, and we're also interested in things you make or engineer solely for the purpose of this project. Originality counts.

Please submit your photo and short explanation (up to 100 words) on the significance of the image for you here. Please make your submissions at least 578 pixels wide and no larger than 5 MB. Submissions are due by 11:59 p.m. Pacific time on Monday, December 20, 2010.

We’ll post all submissions in a slideshow on December 21, 2010. The winning entries will be selected by GOOD and Compostmodern, and winners will be announced December 22, 2010 and featured on our homepage. The winner will receive two complimentary tickets to Compostmodern, which takes place January 22 and 23 in San Francisco (does not include transportation to San Francisco or accommodations).

, MAKE, Lifehacker, are all good sources, but the best solution will come from a problem you solve in your own daily life.

GOOD is a media partner for Compostmodern, January 22 and 23 in San Francisco. We'll be posting more information and coverage of the event. Register now! Early bird prices are valid until December 25.

[Top image, a chandelier made from dried-out Bic ball-point pens, by enPieza]