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The GOOD Challenge: Stop Driving So Damn Much

This month, we're trying to give up cars. Can a person go without driving for four weeks in Los Angeles?

Things are easier said than done, or so the old adage goes, and we couldn't agree more. That's why we do The GOOD Challenge, a monthly attempt to live better.

You may not know that, besides being just lovely weather-wise, May is also National Bike Month and National Asthma Awareness Month. Because cars often make both bicycling and breathing more difficult, we couldn't think of a better GOOD Challenge for this month than to try to drive as little as possible.

Armed with our bikes, our bus passes, our carpools, and our plain old feet, GOOD staffers are attempting to make it a full four weeks keeping our personal car use to a minimum. (GOOD developer Ben Callaway, for instance, has pledged to not drive to work more than once for the whole month.) If you know Los Angeles, with its sprawl and its dearth of public transportation, you know this is going to be hard. But that's why we call it a challenge.

As usual, consider The GOOD Challenge an opportunity to experiment with changes in your own community. It might not change your life, but it will definitely change your month.

Photo (cc) by Flickr user FontFont