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The Windpower Leaderboard in 2010

This chart from The Economist shows which countries have the most installed wind power in Gigawatts. Wind power is, of course, a nice clean...

This chart from The Economist shows which countries have the most installed wind power in Gigawatts. Wind power is, of course, a nice clean way of generating electricity so having a lot of it is good.For, now the United States is in the lead, but look at China's ridiculous rate of growth. Its wind power capacity almost doubled in the last year.And in Europe, offshore wind power, generated from turbines that sit out in the ocean, is really taking off. Germany has 20 GW worth of offshore wind power planned for the next decade. America's offshore wind scene is a decade behind what's happening in Europe.There are some important things to remember when looking at this chart though. First, this doesn't show you how much wind power each country has per capita. Looking at it that way, Germany would be leading the States. And also, wind power "capacity" doesn't tell you how much wind power a country is actually getting anyway. That depends on the wind.