Move over, Ashton Kutcher and Diddy. There's a new rock star in the social media world: the renowned education and creativity expert Sir Ken Robinson.
Robinson's famous TED talks and the animated version of his latest RSA (Royal Society for the Encouragement of the Arts, Manufactures and Commerce) lecture have millions of YouTube views. But, say you have a burning education reform question you want to ask the man himself. Send it to his Twitter account and he might just reply in video blog form on his YouTube channel.
Robinson says he welcomes questions about "the element, creativity, education, or anything else that has been on your mind." Twitter user @TheWestWingMan recently wondered if Robinson thinks creativity will suffer in an education system based on rigor and rote. Proving that he's no social media slouch, Robinson promptly responded to the query:
photo (cc) via Flickr user FlandersDC