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Young? Need a Job? Join the Briefcase Brigades

If you're out of work and want Washington to focus on creating jobs and not budget cuts, join a Briefcase Brigade next Wednesday.

During his Power Shift keynote, Van Jones called for young people to come together in "briefcase brigades" and demand policies that create jobs, not austerity measures that take them away. Many young people took this message to heart and formed an official Briefcase Brigade movement.

We are ready to work. We know the economy is in bad shape. We know the country is in trouble. We want to help. But first, we need jobs.

Here's video of the brigades at Power Shift:


As Noland Chambliss, a member of the brigades, writes, they're not wasting any time getting started.

On Wednesday, April 27th, when members of Congress are home for recess, we’re going to their offices all around the country to demand they prioritize jobs over budget cuts. We’re going dressed for an interview, briefcase in hand, with our resumes to show we’re ready for work, but the opportunities just aren’t there.

This is the first step in building a national youth movement that demands action on the jobs crisis. You can ignite this movement by taking action in your community.

Here's their video:


So if you're young and need a job, there's probably nothing better you could do next Wednesday than form or join one of these "Briefcase Brigades."