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GOOD Maker Challenge: Win a Trip to Live, Work, and Create in L.A. with GOOD

This content is brought to you by GOOD with support from Marriott Hotels and Resorts® This winter, GOOD is opening up our office to welcome one...

This content is brought to you by GOOD with support from Marriott Hotels and Resorts®

This winter, GOOD is opening up our office to welcome one ambitious creative entrepreneur on the verge of launching his or her passion project. Whether it’s developing a new website, business venture, or nonprofit campaign, a creative plan sometimes just needs the extra spark that comes from working and consulting with other creatives.

And here at GOOD, we’re eager to collaborate and share our creative resources. From graphic designers, curators, and video producers who find and create original content daily to social media managers, marketing directors, and business strategists who have launched nonprofits and businesses, GOOD’s community of thinkers and doers want to help you bring your passion project to life.

Submit a short proposal about your project and you could win a trip to Los Angeles to work in the GOOD offices for a week. During your weeklong residency, we’ll plan a full itinerary of consultations and presentations based around your project, bringing together an expert group of staffers hand-picked to provide resources, feedback, and insight for launching your project.

Tell us here about your creative project and how GOOD’s experienced staff could help you realize your dream. Submissions will be accepted from December 4 to January 11, and the GOOD community will vote for the best ideas from January 15 to January 21. The submission with the most votes will win a weeklong trip to L.A.