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How a Health Condition Helped Me Create Tasty Raw Food Truffles

Five years ago, I was faced with a health challenge—I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis. It was a condition that left me lethargic and it couldn't be cured with Western medicine. I began looking for alternatives that would help me feel better, which was when I discovered raw food.

Within less than a month into a high raw diet, I was back to looking well and feeling good. It was a challenge to make snacks that were both nutrient-dense and tasty enough to satisfy me. I tweaked and altered my recipes, constantly balancing the nutrition and the taste. I turned my life into a healthful test kitchen, drawing on all my traditional cooking experience while creating recipes that helped me feel better.

To me, raw food represents a movement away from processed products. While other organic alternatives can be packed with unhealthy sweeteners and hidden preservatives, it's possible to create tasty snacks that aren't junk. I’ve created GOODBITES, a raw superfood truffle. They derive their flavor from organic ingredients, so that they taste good and are good for you. I’m particularly proud of my decadent truffle, which is a dense chocolate, covered in hemp seeds, made with smooth coconut oil and creamy raw honey—ingredients that lessen the chalkiness you might be familiar with in other raw or cacao foods.

Now, I am trying to raise money to move into a bigger kitchen and expand production, which would allow me to move into larger markets. In just a couple of months we have already been accepted into many health food stores in Los Angeles and the Venice Whole Foods, but in order to follow through on those orders, I need to expand production.

We are currently running a Kickstarter campaign to raise the necessary funds to make this expansion. Our goal is to bring GOODBITES and raw food snacks to stores across the country, helping to make people healthy in the tastiest way. Join our snack movement and get on board.

Start taking ownership of your health with our DIY Health Check-up.

This project is part of GOOD's series Push for Good—our guide to crowdfunding creative progress.