This post is brought to you by GOOD with support from The California Endowment, Health Happens Here with Prevention.
An impenetrable bubble made from a volcanic diamond alloy may just be the innovative health care solution young invincibles have been waiting for. Why go through the hassle of spending 20 minutes on the Health Insurance Marketplace to find affordable health coverage when the greatest invention has been made to protect you for life. Sounds practical, right? Sure…if you're a rocket scientist.
Truth is, even though our health care system may very well seem overly complicated this isn't rocket science. Yes, we as citizens, professionals, officials, etc., have many issues to tackle to smooth out the health care process and sure, the new revolutionary Health Insurance Marketplace isn't perfect just yet, but we've got to start somewhere.
If you haven't already figured it out by now, it's time to start investing in health care not sick care. That is what prevention is and that is what a responsible patient does. Prevention is needed to reduce the rate of illness, chronic disease and death among Americans. We are spending trillions of dollars on cutting-edge medicine when we should be directing much of our attention on the causes of the diseases and our community conditions.
The Affordable Care Act is doing just that by investing in preventive measures such as making health care plans easier to afford, making preventive care free (i.e., annual check ups, cancer screenings, and immunizations) with your insurance plan and providing funding to community health clinics, school-based health centers, physical activity programs, and healthy school lunches.
So, how can we as individuals invest in prevention? Well, contrary to a rocket scientist's solution, we can start by taking charge of our own health and becoming our own health advocates. Enroll in health care coverage that includes a wellness program and apply for tax benefits. The ROI will surely make our health profitable.