'Tis the season to be bombarded with advertisements telling us that it's time to go on a diet. I'm based in Los Angeles so half my friends are going on some sort of extreme cleanse, or are joining a gym for just $19 down and $19 a month (make sure you read the fine print, folks)! But on New Year's Day when I asked my two sons what their New Year's resolutions for 2013 were, both of their responses started with a refreshing phrase: "I want to learn..."
We all know how important it is to be a "constant learner" or a "lifelong learner." After all, the more we know—and the more we know how to do—the more we can improve our personal lives, our neighborhoods, and help solve the problems facing society. That makes it especially nice to see education as one of seven resolution categories on Google's impressive New Year's Resolution map.
Sure, diet and exercise resolutions dominate Google's global map, too. But if you need a little inspiration, the education resolutions already uploaded by Google users around the globe might be help you out. Resolutions shared so far range from someone in Israel being determined to "finish my master's degree" to a person in the Bay Area wanting to "learn how to play the guitar." Another user on the East Coast wants to "learn Mandarin" and yet another plans "read a book a week." Of course, if you're really hardcore, some members of the GOOD community plan to read a book every day in 2013.
I already added my two cents to the map—I'm determined to learn Spanish in 2013 since my French skills aren't exactly helping me communicate with neighbors who are recent immigrants from El Salvador. So what do you want to learn in 2013? Share your resolution in a few clicks on the Google map—or tells us here in the comments.
Lifelong learning image via Shutterstock