Imagine the most nostalgic school bus from your childhood. Now, fill the seats — instead of with children — with Golden Retrievers, Poodles, Labradors, and every breed in-between. That’s what you’ll get on the Ruff and Puff Doggy Day Camp bus, from the canine-loving mind of Denzel Morrison.
That’s right. A good old-fashioned bus goes house to house to pick up neighborhood pups to take them on jaunty adventures to a private park and even get dog-friendly Pup-Cups at Starbucks. Self-described as "the first original Dog Bus in Calgary, Alberta," they have been brightening up people’s algorithms online for a while now.
Their website explains, "Ruff and Puff will pick up your dog from your home in our doggy school bus, adapted especially for four-legged friends. From there, we’ll begin our adventure-filled day with lots of time to play, run, sniff, and explore." The dogs are vetted beforehand to make sure they’re compatible, and Denzel even offers dog training.
Denzel came up with the idea naturally. His parents, Colin and Belinda Morrison, run CB Rescue, a non-profit dog rescue in Calgary, which they began in 2017. On their website, they share, "We believe every dog should have their own loving family who will exercise the dog, provide love, and accept them as a part of their family. CB Rescue will take its time in finding every dog its perfect home. We look for dog lovers, not just dog owners."
With that in mind, Denzel wanted to create an adorable and exciting environment for dogs, their owners, and, it turns out, the internet. And it also helps rescue dogs. According to an interview with Denzel on Bored Panda, a "10% cut from the funds goes straight to the CB Rescue Foundation, supporting Denzel’s parents’ dog rescue initiatives."
As far as the logistics on the bus? They ensure, "Not only do we pride ourselves on giving your doggo a fun time out, but we do it with safety in mind. The bus is specially outfitted so that each compartment is safe for the dogs, with their harness attached to their seat. We also modified the bus to have safety gates so the dogs will remain in their assigned spots."
Every day is a new adventure. In fact, on one day, they decided to celebrate "Riley" for getting into Harvard. Of course, Riley didn’t actually get into Harvard (that we know of), but they seemed to have a great time pretending.
And on this day, they celebrated a dog named Oreo's birthday, complete with a sparkly candle. This delighted Insta followers. "Omg my heart be still. I can’t get over the cuteness and adorableness of these videos. Happy Birthday cutie pie Oreo. Everyone gets a yummy treat."
Sometimes, they celebrate a particular breed - like on International Golden Retriever Day. One top commenter enthusiastically wrote, "I’d pay top dollar for a seat on this bus. Heck, I don’t even need a seat, I’ll take the floor. Anywhere. Just name your price and let me on. Happy Golden Day to the best doggos in the world!"
On this delightful TikTok, the pups are shown before, during and after dog park visits, wherein they get understandably worn out in the best of ways.
@ruffandpuffyyc Before vs after the park!😝😴