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Trump’s First 100 Days Explained In 100 Tweets

The measure of this president’s performance in the medium he knows best


The Week In Design

Ikea invented an for emoji for furniture-shopping-rage, Thom Browne went goth, and Brad Pitt built some very nice homes.


The Best ‘Covfefe’ Theories The Internet Has To Offer

Are you team cov-fee-fee or cov-fay-fay?



One-and-a-half million Americans have served in Iraq and Afghanistan. Not one of them came home unchanged.

11 Oddly Satisfying Food Instagrams You Need To Follow

Something feels so good about seeing things go right


12 funny and smart bumper stickers for your car

That's one way to make a statement.


The Week in Design

Drake went high art, Ikea gave much-needed homes to Iraqi refugees, and Cape Town got a whole lot of Mexican wrestlers.


Our Top 9 Most Portlandia Headlines of 2014

A round-up of the 2014 headlines we swear we didn’t write with the People’s Republic of Portlandia in mind.

Meet the Planet’s Caretakers and Their Earth-Saving Innovations

A humanely-sourced smartphone, tree-planting drones, and more.

Meet the People Fighting for a Better-Informed Public

A WebMD for sex, an air quality-monitoring egg, and more.


Crowdsourcing The Best Advice For 2016 Grads

Some of the funniest, mind blowing, and practical pieces of #GradAdvice for all ages.


GOOD aims to make thought and vision matter, to dismantle conventional notions of good and bad, and to explore the art of problem-solving.