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This is What a Group of Strangers Walking 16 Miles in Los Angeles Looks Like

Together, we got to know our city better. #100StartsWith1

Tom Carroll, of the video series Tom Explores Los Angeles, loves his hometown so much that he’s devoted his life to really understanding what makes it tick. One of the best ways to do that, he says, is by walking. And that applies no matter which city you call home.

Last week, we asked you to alter your perspective of a main street in your city by walking it from end to end. We also invited our neighbors in Los Angeles to join us while we did a walk together—along all 16.5 miles of Wilshire Boulevard.

Take a look at a few moments from the day—and if you haven’t already, get some tips from Carroll about how you can explore where you live safely, smartly, and with a sense for you community’s history.