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Yana Mazurkevich’s ‘It Happened’ Series Makes A Powerful Statement About Sexual Assault

‘It can happen to anyone’

It would be an understatement to say that people were angry after it was announced that Brock Turner, a former student at Stanford University, would be released from prison after serving just three months for sexually assaulting an unconscious woman. Turner’s early release comes after the nation was outraged by his unbelievably lenient six-month sentence. Nowhere has this anger been more prevalent than college campuses where the sexual assaults have become an epidemic.

As a response to Turner’s release, Yana Mazurkevich, a 20-year-old student at Ithaca College in New York, created a photo series entitled “It Happened.” Mazurkevich’s powerful photos show how sexual assaults can occur unexpectedly, to anyone, anywhere, at any time. “In response to Brock Turner’s early release, this photo series aims to continue the conversation on sexual assault, as well as to raise a huge finger to Turner and his 3-month jail time,” Mazurkevich wrote on her Facebook page.