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South African Artist Spreads Good News by Posting Funny Street Signs

Check out this gallery of his funny signs.

At GOOD, we love it when we see people trying to make a difference by spreading positivity. In a world where violence, scandal, and fear dominate the headlines, anyone trying to share a positive message deserves their time in the spotlight. South African Instagram user Jaco Haasbroek is doing just that by hanging signs featuring funny news headlines with a positive spin on lampposts and telephone poles. The project started when Haasbroek saw a sign posted on a pole featuring a the image of a fluffy dog and the word “STOLEN.”

“I was driving home and spotted a ‘STOLEN’ pet poster. It’s quite sad when someone loses a pet and then the idea popped in my head that by simply adding ‘Our Hearts’ at the bottom of the poster it would completely change its meaning and turn it into something positive. This idea then evolved into these fictional news headlines.”

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