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Random Act Of Sports: Dad Shows Off Lightning-Fast Reflexes As He Saves His Daughter From Falling Off A Bridge

File under “random act of sports.”

Being a parent means never taking your focus off your kids. While posing on a bridge for a photo at Yosemite National Park, a dad managed to snag his daughter as she nearly took a tumble off the edge, averting a fall into the pond below.

Following the casual act of heroism, the little girl remains oblivious to the fate she narrowly avoided, quickly escaping her dad’s outstretched hand and marching toward her mom taking the video.

The parents found themselves a little more rattled after the event but quickly laughed off the close call. The couple laid out the scenario on the video’s YouTube page:

“We went on vacation to Yosemite in the summer of 2016. We thought we were going to pose for a daddy/daughter photo but turned into a memorable video. Wife accidentally had it on video mode. It was a scary moment, but as you can see we were able to laugh afterwards. We are thankful for each other and our lack of injuries.”

Even when posing, the dad had the good sense to keep a loose grip on the girl as she teetered near the edge. As she lost balance, that loose grip became a tight one, saving her from a plunge and, at the very least, a scare and some very wet clothes.