Each day from Dec. 14 through Dec. 25, GOOD Sports will feature a worthy school athletic program in need of funding.
The students of Freshwater Elementary School in Denham Spring, Louisiana, saw their homes and school damaged by a massive flood. Rebuilding will take an even longer time since more than half of the student body comes from low-income households.
All of the school’s physical education equipment was lost during the flood, so teacher Kacy Montgomery turned to DonorsChoose.org. She was hoping to raise $332 to buy new volleyballs and volleyball nets for the students to use.
“These children have been through so much and are in need of a break from all of the chaos and destruction that still surrounds them.
This donation would provide them with a chance to just have ‘fun’ and take their minds off of what they have lost.”
At the time this story was posted, Montgomery was $262 short of her goal.
Please consider supporting this project or another school athletic program in need.