Xavier Staubs, a swimmer attending Corunna High School in Michigan, had just exited the pool upon finishing his medley relay at a swim meet when he heard spectators yelling with an urgency. After a moment, Staubs realized that the fans were alerting anyone who would listen that one of the swimmers in the race had gone “completely limp” and sunk to the bottom of the pool.
Springing to action, Staubs, along with another swimmer, jumped back into the pool to aid the motionless, drowning swimmer, Karmin Samson of Owosso High School, who had experienced a breathing problem during the race.
Samson was issued a clean bill of health by the hospital and plans on swimming again soon — thanks to the quick and brave action of Staubs and the other unidentified swimmer that came to his aid.
Said Staubs, a freshman on the team, to ABC12, “I just automatically help people. That's how I was raised. I didn't care if it was a rival or anything, I just saw someone needed help and I instantly thought, 'I got to save this guy.'”