I’m not sure how you go about building up the confidence of a talented three-year-old, but this doesn’t seem to be the most effective way to do it.
At such a young age, Mikhail Osipov is already being hailed as a chess prodigy, but as the world saw on this talent show video clip, the gap between being a prodigy and being the best is a substantial one.
Little Mikhail showcased his talents on a Russian TV show by facing off against Anatoly Karpov, who happens to be a grandmaster and the world champion. How this idea got the greenlight is beyond me, but it did and the results were...unsurprising.
It would be nice if the match went differently and the toddler beat Karpov. And prior to the match, you’d think some conscientious product would have felt out Karpov to see how he would treat the kid. That due diligence was either not conducted or ignored – the fact that a little kid was sitting across from him never seemed to register.
As for the match, Mikhail got ten minutes per move to Karpov’s ten and took the champ to a possible draw. But the youngster refused the draw and ended up succumbing to Karpov. Despite being just a kid, Mikhail doesn’t have a lot of experience losing, especially in high-pressure environments, so he takes it pretty hard.
But the story has a happy ending. He quickly composed himself when his mom came to his side and walked the audience through a handful of impressive puzzles to showcase his skills. I don’t know if getting rattled on national TV was a sound move her development as a player or a person, but this kid’s got a bright future in front of him and can hold his adorable head high.
As for Karpov, it looks like he can cross one more item off the fake bucket list a Redditor pieced together for the champ.
Comment from discussion 3 year old Mikhail Osipov plays against Karpov.
Let's hope that when Mikhail sits atop the chess rankings in 40 years he doesn't repay the favor to some doe-eyed youngster finding his way in the world.
Say hello to my little friend...literally.
TikTok shocked by 15-year-old unhinged viral clip of kids performing Scarface in school play
Think about the most outrageous film that could be adapted to the stage. Now, imagine the cast of that theatrical production is entirely children, ranging in age from 7 to 10. Now, film it and let the world react.
That’s what director Marc Klasfeld had in mind when he held auditions with professional child actors for a shocking video, meant to look like an elementary school production of the cult film-favorite Scarface. In a now 15-year-old interview with Entertainment Weekly, when asked why he thought this was a good idea, Klasfeld admits, "I thought this would be a nice fit into the kind of YouTube arena of viral videos. And I was right."
The result? Kids yelling “mother-fudger,” piles of popcorn meant to look like cocaine, and outrageous, lengthy scenes of children pointing Super Soakers at one another.
Marc, mostly known as an accomplished commercial and music video director, later adds, "I enjoy making provocative art. I like stirring debate and causing conversation. You're going to get two sides of the coin no matter what you do. People are going to love and hate everything. People loved and hated Avatar. People loved and hated the Jennifer Aniston movie. And people love and hate this. I guess that's a part of having something that's successful out there. There’s got to be certain people that hate it for people to love it."
Once they got their perfect cast, it didn’t take long to put together. He shares, "It was a one-take, so it was pretty much just choosing the right take. About a month altogether."
People sure did react, as it acquired millions of views and comments from all over the Internet. Some were horrified, some were outraged, and many thought it was the funniest thing they'd ever seen. But Marc emphasizes that the kids in the video were not scandalized. "They’ve heard the f-word. They’ve seen more violence in their everyday lives for as long as they can remember. So for this, they’ve seen worse things than this all the time. So this wasn’t that big of a deal for them."
Enter TikTok. The clip (which just popped up again recently on Facebook) was reposted a few years back, and, once again, the comments continue to run the gamut from indignation to full praise. One TikTok user exclaimed, "Bro, I can’t even remember my grocery list, how the fudge did these kids memorize this whole scene lol?"
Others expressed confusion: "I'm not sure whether to be angry or amazed." Some chose anger: "Just imagine, you know these kids watched the movie to get the characters right. And the parents cheering? Yeah, yeah."
Many commenters believed it was a real school play and commended the production for "keepin' it real": "That school keeps it real. Nowadays, kids know so much about guns and drugs, might as well teach them that bad choices don’t end well."
Yet another enjoyed it but was concerned that the parents of the children would not. "Love the tray full of popcorn. But my God, I would hate to see the hell these parents probably raised."
For the most part, the reviews were glowing. Many complimented the acting, and one claimed they definitely would have "preferred this play over their own school production of Macbeth."
And perhaps the biggest compliment? "Al Pacino will be proud."