Sure, if you wanted to see conventional sporting definitions of “good hands,” you could look to David Tyree’s “helmet catch” in Super Bowl XLII, a highlight video of point guard Jason “White Chocolate” Williams, or this legendary line drive snag by the late José Fernández.
But if you wanted to see an application that’s both more practical AND more dramatic, you’ll probably want to check out this nanny cam footage of a 9-year-old boy saving his 11-month-old brother from a very scary fall off of a changing table:
In addition to having some quick hands, older brother Joseph made an impressive lunge to get to where he needed to be—without a second to spare. That oblivious sheepdog certainly didn’t make the task any easier for him, obstructing the path of rescue to baby bro Eitan.
The mother, Tila, said the incident occurred last month, but she was initially too embarrassed to share the video. She’s a mother of five and felt guilt that her attention was directed elsewhere at that crucial moment. But now she’s comfortable sharing it, saying she feels it was a miracle that her Joseph was able to react as quickly and effectively as he did.
Speaking to TV network WSVN (via KXXV-TV), Joseph said he can’t really account for what happened in that instant. He says:
“I would have never caught him, and I can’t run that fast, so I felt like something came and just pushed me forward and when that happened, I just ran and caught him.”
I’m pretty sure this play will hold its own against anything we’ll ever see on the field of play.