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A Rock Band’s Supreme Court Case Could Help The Redskins Keep Their Offensive Team Name

The Redskins are claiming the case as a victory for their cause

A recent Supreme Court case involving an Asian dance-rock band called The Slants has served as a setback for critics hoping to find legal grounds for forcing the Washington Redskins to change their name. On Monday, the court ruled unanimously that the First Amendment provided for copyrights offensive names.

The Redskins organization While many has been under attack as cultural insensitive but the team has resolved to keep the name and imagery. Opponents hoped that legal recourse would force the Redskins to change their mascot.

The Slants carried on their fight to the nation’s highest court in the hopes that they could “take back” the hateful term that had been levied against Asians and Asian-Americans for decades.

Justice Kennedy wrote in his opinion, which Justices Ginsberg, Sotomayor, and Kagan joined, “To permit viewpoint discrimination in this context is to permit Government censorship.”

Now the Redskins are using the success of the Slants to bolster their defense, with a lawyer for the team, Lisa S. Blatt, stating, “The Supreme Court vindicated the team’s position that the First Amendment blocks the government from denying or canceling a trademark registration based on the government’s opinion.”