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Doctor gives final verdict on morning vs. night-time showering

A doctor compared the two routines of showers and listed the pros and cons.

Doctor gives final verdict on morning vs. night-time showering
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Karolina Kaboompics

With a bustling lifestyle, many people have adapted to different routines and have picked out what works best for them. Each routine has its pros and cons and ultimately, people choose what suits their lifestyle. When it comes to taking showers, half the population swears by late-night calming routines whereas the other half prefers daytime, bright and relaxing ones. Daytime showers may be great for starting your day, but sometimes, there's nothing better than washing up the day’s experience under running water. Dr. Jason Singh (@drjaysonisfresh) noted the dilemma and shared his professional opinion, possibly settling the debate once and for all.  

Representative Image Source: Pexels| Armin Rimoldi
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Armin Rimoldi

Starting with night showers, Singh pointed out their benefits on sleep. “When you have night warm showers, it releases melatonin which is good for your sleep. When you’re out of the shower and towel out, your body is back to normal temperature. These two combined transition into better sleep,” he explained. The doctor also mentioned that a night shower is recommended since it removes all the odors and pollutants the body is exposed to throughout the day. Lastly, Singh suggested that those with dry and sensitive skin should opt for night showers since they’re the best way to hydrate the skin. 

Representative Image Source: Pexels| Karolina Kaboompics
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Karolina Kaboompics

As for morning showers, Singh noted just one, but a powerful benefit. He explained that overnight, through sweating and shedding processes, the skin is exposed to bacteria and fungus which can be harmful and produce odor. These can be washed away with morning showers. As a result, it restores the “skin microbiome to a more hygienic baseline,” per the doctor. To conclude, Singh pointed out that nighttime showers have several benefits, and morning showers have just one- hygiene.

People shared their views on the doctor’s insights. Many suggested that based on his argument, it depends on a person’s lifestyle as to which shower routine is best for them. On the other hand, many stuck to the idea that showering per their preferences is the way to go. Since they believed showering is supposed to be a therapeutic and self-care method, it should be done based on their preference. @merphpdh23 wrote, “You will never convince me to go to bed dirty.” @darbskel said, “Night. I can't get into my clean sheets feeling dirty.”

 Image Source: TikTok| @Liss_n101
Image Source: TikTok | @Liss_n101
 Image Source: TikTok|@rrholt
Image Source: TikTok |@rrholt

@britaliwarrior3 shared, “I work at a desk all day. I prefer to do morning showers.” @margaretpeggygroh suggested morning showers saying, “I’m too tired at night.” @taciejeanen8 exclaimed, “Depending on what I’ve done during the day, it could be both but I will always prefer morning.” @jhnthnschdr exclaimed, “Nighttime showers but it’s nice to do occasional morning ones since it helps me wake up.” Some suggested balancing night and morning showers for maximum efficiency. @heather_pdx added, “Night showers during work week and morning showers on weekends.” @speakinglife2 remarked, “Both. Let’s not go to bed dirty and let's freshen up in the morning.”


More debatable than pineapple on pizza

♬ original sound - Dr. Jason Singh


You can follow Dr. Jason Singh (@drjaysonisfresh) on TikTok for more content on health and hygiene.

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