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Why Do Voters Still Love Rudy Giuliani? Islamophobia

A new poll shows Rudy Giuliani as the only person who could beat Obama in 2012, despite the fact that he's not actually running.


Ten Commencement Speakers You Wish You'd Had

These ten speakers inspired but still kept it real with their audiences, making their graduation speeches memorable years after they were given.


Mike Huckabee Makes Questionable "Historical" Cartoons for Kids

Mike Huckabee has co-founded a company called "Learn Our History" which produces and sells these questionable cartoon history videos for kids.


Inquiring Minds Want to Know: The White House Fields Kids' Questions on Bin Laden

Our media-savvy White House hosted a webinar to give students a nuts-and-bolts backgrounder on 9/11, Bin Laden, and the raid.


Why Teachers Shouldn't Be Expected to Talk About Bin Laden's Death

My fourth-grade son's teacher didn't talk about the killing of Osama bin Laden in class—and that was a good decision.


Eighth Grader's 9/11 Documentary Set to Screen at Tribeca Film Festival

"The Second Day" tells the first-hand story of students and teachers living and working in the area around Ground Zero.


Obama Might Be Doing Badly, But So Was Reagan

Comparing Obama's decline in approval ratings to other 20th century presidents results in some surprises.


Saddam Hussein's Gun On Display at the George W. Bush Art Exhibit?

Saddam's gun, outfit from Iraq, and some things from 9/11-the Bush legacy is being remembered in a new controversial exhibit.