Articles After-school 2.0: How Technology Can Create a Learning Community Curtis HouglandDec 09, 2012
Articles Jon Stewart Has Some Real Talk About Education With the 'Brooklyn Castle' Crew Liz DwyerNov 11, 2012
Articles Documentary 'Brooklyn Castle' Turns Chess Nerds into the Cool Kids on Campus Liz DwyerOct 17, 2012
Articles Where Geeks Are Rock Stars: Documentary Spotlights an Urban School's Champion Chess Team Liz DwyerDec 26, 2011
Articles Defunding Americorps: Do We Really Want to Take City Year Away From Schools? The Republican leadership claims the dropout prevention program is wasteful spending. Have they ever spent time with City Year corps members?Liz Dwyer09 Apr, 2011
Articles Getting Kids off the Streets and into the Ring Tom Yankello wanted to expand his Ambridge, Pennsylvania, boxing gym to include a youth program to offer a positive outlet in a rough neighborhood.Zachary Slobig15 Oct, 2010