Ted Cruz tried to lie about fundraising off the Capitol riot. But AOC had the text to prove it. TperryJan 13, 2021
AOC says it's time for Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer to go in a blistering new interview Eric PfeifferDec 16, 2020
Health AOC calls out Mitch McConnell for breaking the Senate while Americans need COVID relief Jessica CorbettNov 21, 2020
AOC calls out fellow Dems for lacking the 'stones' to play 'hardball' on the Supreme Court Jon QueallyOct 27, 2020
AOC calls Trump a 'walking scam' as records show he paid just $750 in taxes in '16 and '17 "He contributed less to funding our communities than waitresses and undocumented immigrants," -- Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.Jake Johnson28 Sep, 2020
AOC proposes to ban the 'insidious practice' of military recruitment in schools "It's important that our youth understand that joining the military isn't the only way to pay for college or find stability in life."Eoin Higgins28 Jul, 2020
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez explains what's really wrong with sexist attack from GOP congressman "Having a daughter does not make a man decent. Having a wife does not make a decent man. Treating people with dignity and respect makes a decent man."Jake Johnson23 Jul, 2020
Florida Republican makes half-hearted apology after verbally accosting Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez A masterclass in how NOT to apologize.Eoin HigginsEric Pfeiffer22 Jul, 2020
Tens of thousands of Americans take part in COVID-19 May Day rent strike "People aren't striking because they don't feel like paying rent. They're striking because they can't pay rent."Jake Johnson02 May, 2020
There are renewed calls to abolish the death penalty after the unjust execution of Nathaniel Woods "Bring this bill to the floor for a vote. End the federal death penalty." -- Rep. Justin AmashJessica Corbett10 Mar, 2020
AOC says Stephen Miller 'must' resign after racist emails exposed Over 900 emails reveal how the notorious Trump aid promoted a white supremacist propaganda.Tperry13 Nov, 2019