Articles Eat Scum: The Science Behind the Algae Fat Substitute Almagine, the Algae Fat Substitute A renewable energy company found a low-fat fix where food scientists hadn’t looked—in the peculiar molecular structure of single-celled algae.Sarah Zhang08 May, 2012
Articles Is Cyber-Gardening the New Urban Gardening? At an experimental algae farm, technology, biology, and architecture unite to educate the public.Zak Stone05 Feb, 2012
Articles Image of the Day: Bioluminescent Seas Under a Starry Night Photographer Phil Hart captures the stunning ecological side-effects of Victoria's 2006 bush fires.Nicola Twilley06 Mar, 2011
Articles Are Biofuels Ready for the Bigtime? Electricity isn't the only non-petroleum-based fuel touted as changing the transportation landscape. What's happening with biofuels?Ariel Schwartz22 Nov, 2010