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Out There

Some people are firmly anchored in the borderlands of rural Arizona.

GOOD Pictures: Immigration and Assimilation in South Central Phoenix

Eduardo Rivera's photographs invite us into people’s homes, showcasing warm kitchens and laundry hanging on the line.


Can Community Colleges Survive the Economic Downturn?

Despite increased demand for education, budget cuts are causing two-year schools to cut back, denying a college education to thousands of students.


GOOD Q&A: Neko Case, Registered Republican, on Her Adopted Home of Arizona

GOOD spoke to the singer-songwriter about politics, Arizona's "weird racists," and why she still loves Tucson.


One Month After the Giffords Shooting, AZ Moves to Honor "Official State Gun"

Arizona lawmakers have teamed up behind a bill that seeks to give Arizona an "official state firearm."


How to Save Multiculturalism

"Multiculturalism" isn't a bad word. Embracing the differences diverse people bring to the table can create endless educational opportunities.


Horrifying Video: Watch This (Fake) Criminal Buy Handguns with Ease in Arizona

Watch a team of investigators easily obtain handguns in Phoenix just two weeks after a crazed gunman killed six people in nearby Tucson, Arizona.

The Children's Letters Decorating Gabrielle Giffords' Hospital Room

As Gabrielle Giffords recovers from a devastating gunshot to the head, children from around Tucson have sent well-wishes written on doves of peace.


Arizona Bans Westboro Baptist Church Protest at Nine Year Old Victim's Funeral Should Protest Be Permitted at Young Arizona Shooting Victim's Funeral?

It's a horrible idea to protest the funeral of the Arizona shooting victims, but do we want the government passing laws to stop it?


Crosshairs and Targets: Innocent Symbols or Incendiary Iconography? [Updated]

A map that placed crosshairs over Gabrielle Giffords's Congressional district raises issues about inflammatory political rhetoric.


Arizonans Rush to Buy Glocks After Shooting

Arizonans are flocking to the gun store following Saturday's deadly shooting.


Image of the Day: Those Who Fell in Tucson, Arizona

This is a screenshot of a photo collection of the victims who died in Saturday's tragic shooting.


Alleged Tucson Shooter's Insane MySpace and YouTube Videos: 'Goodbye Friends' Jared Lee Loughner's MySpace Page and YouTube Videos

Before he allegedly shot Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords in the head, Jared Lee Loughner left some chilling warning signs around the internet.


Archaeology Break: Arizona's Cliff Castles

After seeing the "world's largest" of just about everything, it seemed like some real culture might be in order. Thank God for Montezuma's Castle.


An Urban Design Experiement in the Middle of the Desert

Arcosanti is an experimental community dedicated to the principles of arcology, a concept that melds architecture and ecology.


The Edge of Progress Edge, Day 13

We spent last night in Sedona surrounded by some of the most beautiful scenery we've seen on the trip so far.