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Want to Make Change? Decide What Path You Want to Take

They come from all over the world, have different passions and varying approaches but there is one thing they all share: they are all tremendously focused and ambitious individuals.


Seeing Things as They Could Be, Not as They Are

This past summer, I went on an epic train journey across America in the inspired company of 24 pioneering millennials. With the help of the GOOD community and about 1,000 individuals, they had crowdfunded their way on board with innovative projects focused on some our nation’s greatest challenges


What Inspired Me to Tell Nonprofit Stories More Creatively

Preparation is key in creating any nonprofit video, especially an international one. But keeping an open mind is also crucial. You never know when an awesome, little Kevin will cross your path and add his priceless magic to your project.


A Mobile Platform Connects Artisans with Global Shoppers

"Buy a necklace from a local artisan—give her business for a day.""Buy a necklace from that same artisan via her mobile vendor platform—support her as she scales her business globally."


Getting Closer to My Arab Roots in an Unlikely Place

The desire to explore my Arab heritage has taken me to places many Americans would not dare to travel. I've wandered through ancient ruins in Syria, spoken with political leaders in Saudi Arabia, and lived with Bedouins in the deserts of Jordan.


How Indiegogo is Giving Back This Tuesday

#GivingTuesday is a global day of giving held the first Tuesday after Thanksgiving, and we're excited to participate in this year’s effort because we empower individuals, nonprofits, social innovators, families, and communities to increase awareness for causes they care about, mobilize a broader base of supporters, and drive real results—without the restrictions imposed by other crowdfunding platforms.


Out in the Open: A Playful Art Installation for World Toilet Day

Seeking to raise awareness about the plight of 2.5 billion people without access to clean, private toilets, my mobile shower and toilet service for the homeless, San Francisco-based nonprofit Lava Mae, is mounting a public art installation entitled C’mon Give a Sh_t!.


On the Road with a Piano, From Gezi Park to Philadelphia

Sixteen days after the Gezi Park Protests began in Istanbul, Turkey, on June 2013, musician Davide Martello blew into the city with a piano on wheels.


Putting a Spotlight on Trailblazing Grandmother Activists Around the World

Today's grandmothers are younger, better educated, healthier and more numerous than they have ever been—and they are energetically and effectively changing the world.


Why We're Planting Wildflowers Across LA County

We're so excited to be presenting an amazing project by artist Fritz Haeg, entitled Wildflowering L.A.


How We're Using Music to Impact Underserved Communities

I am the director and owner of Heartsong Music. We teach music and movement classes to preschool-age through seven-year-old children and their caregivers.