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Baby Paleo Cookbook On Hold Over Health Concerns

“There's a very real possibility that a baby may die if this book goes ahead”


Australia Uses The Motion Of The Ocean To Generate Zero-Emission Electricity And Desalinate Water Simultaneously

The Carnege Perth Wave Energy Project is the first wave-generated, grid-connected power array in the world.


Aussies Unite to Defend Muslim Lawyer from Islamophobic Trolls

Maryam Veiszadeh has been targeted by racist right-wingers for tweeting a photo of an anti-immigrant shirt.


Flag as Inappropriate?

Fiji debates whether to ditch the Union Jack, a symbol of previous colonial rule, and redesign their national flag.


Australia’s Anti-Gentrification Aboriginal Tent Embassy Perseveres

Redfern’s indigenous community is fighting for housing rights.


How the Towns of Bland, Dull, and Boring Made Their Lame Names Work for Them

Small towns stuck with unfortunate or unusual appellations are a surprise hit with tourists


#IllRideWithYou Is an Exercise In Viral Empathy

Australians offer Muslims company during their commutes in the wake of the Sydney siege.


Hop On the Kangaroo Meat Bandwagon

Kangaroo is far more environmentally sustainable and healthy than beef, and it's just one of many interesting animals we could be eating more of.


So, You Want to Evade Government Censorship and Spying ...

Around the world, 20 percent of internet users contend with online censors, often sidestepping the intrusion with a variety of innovative tools


In Australia, Your D.N.A. Can Now Be Privatized

Genetic patents incentivize research, but they also restrict medical access.


What the U.S. Could Learn About Military Sexual Assault From an Australian General

The top general in the U.S. Armed Forces warned President Obama in May, that sexual assault is a growing "epidemic."


Teachers Are Awesome: 99-Year-Old Sets Record as World's Oldest Educator

Father Geoffrey Schneider has no plans to retire.