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b corps



'Innovation Is the Easy Part': Providing Fuel for the Social Impact Sector

How universities and accelerators are driving social entrepreneurship forward.


The B Corps that Make Social Impact a Priority Without Consumer Pressure

B Labs uses hard data to assess impact, rewarding results, not marketing. That's why so many B-2-B firms made the list.


Twelve California Companies Seize the Moment to Become Benefit Corporations

CEOs rushed to be first in line to become California Benefit Corporations.


In New York, a Legislative Victory for Social Enterprise

New York state creates a new law to help companies do well by doing good.


What Business Can Learn from the Revolutions

The Egyptian revolution showed how fragile a bad leader can be. Business leaders can learn a couple lessons from the turmoil about constituent needs.


Seventh Generation Snags Burt's Bees CEO to Replace Founder

Seventh Generation was shaken when it fired its founder. Will the new CEO live up to the company's core values?