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Local Banking Beyond the Bottom Line: Three Awesome Models

These socially-motivated local banks are profit making, but not profit maximizing. They've been at it for decades and it's beginning to catch on.


Do You Know Your Overdraft Status? Bank Fees Still Bite Consumers

Don’t get caught paying $40 or more for a $5 cup of coffee. Consider your opt-ins.


A 375 Year Old French Bank Forgives Debts of Paris' Poorest

"Our waiting room is like that of a hospital emergency room. Everyone comes to it at some point."


Solar Power Is Coming to 120,000 Military Housing Units

SolarCity found a new path forward after the Solyndra scandal cost it a loan guarantee for putting solar panels on military housing.


Students Activists Pressure Colleges to Participate in Bank Transfer Day

With college and university endowments topping $350 billion, activists are putting the pressure on for them to move their money to credit unions.


Intermission: Protest Big Banks with Their Own Junk Mail

Big banks have been sending you the means to protest their greed for years. You just never realized it.


It's Happening: People Are Leaving Their Banks for Credit Unions Credit Unions See an Uptick As People Leave Their Banks

People are getting fed up with the big banks, and credit unions are having the last laugh.


What Do Obama's Student Loan Reforms Mean for You?

Will the Obama Administration's new student loan reforms help keep more of your paycheck in your pocket? Only if you haven't started college yet.


A Step-by-Step Guide to Leaving Your Big Predatory Bank

If you've been complaining about the sins of the financial industry for the past few years, here's your chance to fight back.


Why Are 1 Billion Dollar-Coins Just Sitting in the Federal Reserve?

The Fed has piles and piles of dollar-coins that no one wants. How did they get there?


Bank CEOs Give Themselves a Big Pay Raise in 2010 Guess How Much Bank CEO Pay Increased in 2010

Bank CEOs are out of the spotlight now, so they're taking big raises to make up for the last two years.


Top Twelve American Banks, Coal and Oil Companies Paid Less Taxes Than You

This great infographic shows how the dirtiest dozen American corporations are gaming the system and paying less than you in taxes.


The Banks Most Responsible for Blasting Mountains and Ruining Appalachia

See which banks are still financing mountaintop removal coal mining and ensuring the destruction of the world's oldest mountains.

Transparency: How Many Banks Are Having Problems?

Each quarter, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation releases the number of banks it feels might need to be bailed out by the government. And...